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Before First Day
Preparation is the key! The first day at Landsdale Early Learning & Enrichment Centre you and your child may have different feelings, from nerves to uncertainty on how your child will adjust in a new environment.
Remember that you and your child have already visited the Centre. We have met you, and your child and
we are familiar with both of you.
Our Educators use the information to help your child through the settling in period.
The children will soon come to the Centre filled with excitement of meeting their new friends and Educators. It will be there second home and extended family.
Before Attending Centre
Every child's settling-in period is different...so to make it easier for them here are a few tips:
Talk calmly before with your child about what will occur in the Centre
Reassure them that they will meet new friends and have fun exciting activities (Eg. Playing with different toys, games, music and painting)
Empower them and be positive and upbeat about the new learning adventure they are going to have
Short visits before starting will help to acclimatize to the new environment
On weekends drive past the Centre to show them so they know the area
Get your child involved by choosing their own personal bag and labeling (So they know it)
First Attendance Day
Arrive early...so your child has time to settle in while your present in an calm and paced manner
Talk to your child’s educators and communicate anything needed to help your child’s routines go smoother
Ensure only one parent is present with your child to make it easier to settle in. Other siblings are welcome once your child is settled and adjusted
Your Childs Bag
In your child’s bag have:
- Water bottle
- Changes of clothing
- Sun screen lotion
- Hat
- Include comforitems
(Soft toys or personal favorite belongings)
When leaving...do so gently, quietly and quickly after they start engaging with an activity
Plan your words!
Be sure and clear by saying 'goodbye'. Use phrases such as ‘I’m going now’ and ‘I will be back after rest time’. I will see you later...smile and leave
Be confident, clear and comfortable in the Centre environment and the child will follow the parents lead. This develops a safe, secure and trusting relationship
If your child is upset, saying goodbye keeps
the trust factor in place
Contact the Centre during the day to check
how your child is going
After First Day
Read the Centre's day routine
(E.g. Sleep times, food and drink, nappy changes etc)
Ask the Educators which activities your child enjoyed
Talk with the Educators for any advice for home tips
Ask if your child made any new friends
Talk with your child on the drive home about these so you take interest and engage with your child
Collect your child’s belongings
(Bag, drink bottle, toys and other comfort items)
Soon your child will be happy going to Landsdale Early Learning & Enrichment Childcare Centre
Your child will have new friends and Educators who enjoy each others company, and it will be there second home and like family
If you like more information please ask for an information pack.